Innovative Project - Ukrainian 3G: Cutting-Edge, Scalable Hybrid Energy Integrator & Storage Hub for Public Facilities in Ukraine
Implemented by Makroterm and Kharkiv Energy Cluster
Innovative Project - Ukrainian 3G: Cutting-Edge, Scalable Hybrid Energy Integrator & Storage Hub for Public Facilities in Ukraine
Green heating for Ukrainian Library in Kharkiv region
Innovative energy solutions implemented in frame of Polish Challenge Fund
The branch of Public Pervomaiskyi Library in, Kharkiv Region, Ukraine will gain a new fully innovative, internationally recognized heating solution: Turbostove® a patented fireplace that can work both on wood waste and renewable energy sources. An air heat pump was installed, together with the Turbostove® equipped in an integrated water jacket and internal heat exchanger, operating as an integrated energy storage hub.
The whole heating system in the library is controlled by an electronic steering system of the heat pump, that allows to adjust the heating to the external temperature. The solution, based on renewable energy sources, is internationally patented and leads to establishment of more efficient heating system for the building and provision of hot water.
The initiative was implemented in frame of an international project, getting on board partners from Ukraine and Poland: Kharkiv Energy Cluster and an innovative Polish company Makroterm. The project, named Ukrainian3G: Cutting-Edge, Scalable Hybrid Energy Integrator & Storage Hub for Public Facilities in Ukraine is implemented by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) through the Polish Challenge Fund, with the financial support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland.
Polish Challenge Fund has the objective to facilitate the transfer of the Polish know-how, technology, and innovative solutions in the area of green technologies and ICT to partner countries of Polish Aid such as Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine. The transfer is to help to address complex development challenges in those countries, while contributing to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The system implemented leads to establishment of a cost-effective heating system, Turbostove, offering simple, easy, low-cost energy efficiency boost and green technologies. This project focuses on measurable results, which is in line with Ukraine’s international obligations to adjust the economy to green requirements as described in EU policies, with the goal of further integration with the EU.
Additionally to the piloted innovative solution for green energy, the project focused on training the technical supervisors and engineers, provide consultations with Polish leading innovators, test the green solutions in Ukraine to further scale them up: for the nature benefit, but also decrease of the energy bill of the public bodies. Workshops to address the infrastructural needs of the municipalities in Ukraine, specially those related to European green transition were addressed to municipal servants and local activists.
Due to the war in Ukraine and relatively short distance from the front line, the consultations and workshops were held online. But, what is very important to underline, despite the situation, the administration of Pervomaiskyi didn’t stop to work, being fully operational during the whole project implementation period.
The content of this material does not necessarily represent the official views of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland, or of the United Nations, including UNDP, or UN Member States.
Final Installation of Moldovan 3G: Cutting-Edge, Scalable Hybrid Energy Integrator
& Storage Hub for Public Facilities in Republic of Moldova
Smart, easily adjustable hybrid Energy Integrator & Storage Hub: DROMADER 3G®, alongside fully integrated photovoltaic panels systems and incorporating the existing 24 kw gas stove was recently installed in Antonesti, Stefan Voda Region, in the South-East of Moldova.
The system offers a simple, cost- and energy-efficient solution promoting use of green energy technology in the Republic of Moldova. Moldovan 3G® is adjustable to private and public buildings alike.
It is a low entry technology installation that can easily be tailored to customer needs. It is also easily expandable via additional PV – in a plug&heat formula. The technology integrates existing energy infrastructure – allowing public bodies and LAs across Moldova to adapt the solution to the needs of the respective buildings and their resources – crucial in the Moldovan context where LAs struggle with meeting their extend needs using limited resources – a challenge further emphasized during the war in Ukraine and the ensuing rise in energy costs.
The project Moldovan 3G®: Cutting-edge, Scalable Hybrid Energy Integrator & Storage Hub for Public Facilities in Republic of Moldova is implemented by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) through the Polish Challenge Fund, with the financial support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland.
The content of this material does not necessarily represent the official views of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland, or of the United Nations, including UNDP, or UN Member States.
Moldovan 3G: Cutting-Edge, Scalable Hybrid Energy
Integrator & Storage Hub for Public Facilities in Republic of Moldova
Implemented by Makroterm and Antonesti Municipality - a partner providing the pilot building for the
introduction of the technology
In Moldova the private users, public bodies and Local Authorities struggle with energy efficiency issues and increasing heating bills and are strongly affected by the war in Ukraine, especially those neighboring the UA-MD border.
It creates a need to transfer and pilot implementation as well as further market scaling of a Polish smart, easily adjustable and hybrid Energy Integrator & Storage Hub: DROMADER 3G®, alongside fully integrated solar collectors systems and incorporating the existing 24 kw gas stove. The system to be installed offers a simple, cost- and energy-efficient solution promoting use of green energy technology in the Republic of Moldova.
Moldovan 3G® is adjustable to private and public buildings alike. It is a low entry technology installation that can easily be tailored to customer needs. It is also easily expandable via additional solar panels/collectors – also from other producers – in a plug&heat formula. The technology integrates existing energy infrastructure – allowing public bodies and LAs across Moldova to adapt the solution to the needs of the respective buildings and their resources – crucial in the Moldovan context where LAs struggle with meeting their extend needs using limited resources – a challenge further emphasized during the war in Ukraine and the ensuing rise in energy costs. PL location of the producer allows for easy service & implementation assistance.
Supported by UNDP under Polish Challenge Fund and financed by the Republic of Poland, this project cornerstone is to combine pilot installation of the system in the public building – Public school in Antonesti (South-Western Moldova, Stefan Voda region) with a Smart Energy LAB – a live learning by doing formula workshop for Moldovan architects and heat technology engineers alongside the representatives of public energy providers agencies and academics involved in tertiary education in engineering/architecture departments.
The outputs of the pilot as well as the LAB will be mainstreamed using promotional events + media (both conventional and social) with the aim of raising awareness of and promoting Polish technological sector amongst Moldovan construction & architecture as well as public sectors (Local Authorities + central government). The project envisages recurrent certification and attestation of the system introduced, allowing its direct and immediate simple uptake of the solution on the Moldovan market.
The above will be achieved by partnering with the Antonesti Municipality – a partner providing the pilot building for the introduction of the technology, a network of Local Authorities in the region as well as public authorities on a central level – and EcoFabrica SRL – a company composed of professionals in the Energy Sector, providing a network of local MD specialists in the field and assisting in the technical aspects of project implementation, contributing valuable local professional insight.
Polish Challenge Fund has the objective to facilitate the transfer of the Polish know-how, technology, and innovative solutions in the area of green technologies and ICT to partner countries of Polish Aid such as Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine. The transfer is to help to address complex development challenges in those countries, while contributing to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The project: Moldovan 3G: Cutting-Edge , Scalable Hybrid Energy Integrator & Storage Hub for Public Facilities in Republic of Moldova is implemented by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) through the Polish Challenge Fund, with the financial support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland.
Projekt: Moldovan 3G: Cutting-Edge , Scalable Hybrid Energy Integrator & Storage Hub for Public Facilities in Republic of Moldova realizowany jest przez Program Narodów Zjednoczonych ds.Rozwoju (UNDP) za pośrednictwem Polish Challenge Fund, przy wsparciu finansowym Ministerstwa Spraw Zagranicznych Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej.
If you are interested in the solution or Polish Challenge Fund, please use the following contacts:
Polish Challeng Fund Official Website https://polishchallengefund.org
UNDP – Polish Challenge Fund magdalena.kudlicka@undp.org
Makroterm makroterm@makroterm.eu project.makroterm@gmail.com
The content of this material does not necessarily represent the official views of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland, or of the United Nations, including UNDP, or UN Member States.
Innovative Project - Ukrainian 3G: Cutting-Edge,
Scalable Hybrid Energy Integrator & Storage Hub
for Public Facilities in Ukraine
Implemented by Makroterm and Kharkiv Energy
In Ukraine, the public bodies and Local Authorities struggle with energy efficiency issues due to extended needs and limited resources. There is a need for a hybrid integrator in Ukraine. To accommodate that, this project entitled “Ukrainian 3G: Cutting-Edge, Scalable Hybrid Energy Integrator & Storage Hub for Public Facilities in Ukraine& will be implemented from September 2021 until May 2022. This project aims to facilitate transfer, promotion and scaling up of a Polish hybrid integrator and storage hub called Ukrainian 3G®, along with cost-effective heating system, Turbostove.
The system offers simple, easy, low-cost energy efficiency boost and green technologies. This project focuses on measurable results, which is in line with Ukraine’s international obligations to adjust the economy to green requirements as described in EU policies.
Implemented by Makroterm and Kharkiv Energy Cluster, the project will provide energy efficient heating & cooling and hot water for public and private facilities in Ukraine. There will also be a Smart Energy LAB – a live workshop for leading Ukrainian architects and heat technology engineers, along with the representatives of public energy efficiency agencies and the Ministry of Education of Ukraine. That program will take place at the public facilities of Pervomaiskyi, Kharkov Region, Ukraine.
Supported by UNDP under Polish Challenge Fund and financed by the Republic of Poland, this project uses a cost-effective heating system to boost energy efficiency, Turbostove®, with fireplace technology transfer. This project will reduce heating costs and costs of electricity in a short and long perspective and will be based on renewable energetic solutions, including biomass—the cheapest renewable source of energy in the region.
This project will affect and benefit Ukraine’s Local Authorities who are responsible for public buildings, especially for educational purposes, innovative technological companies and engineers who are struggling for more effective heating solutions and energy efficiency measures adjusted to local demand, and academia and university teachers involved in high education in Ukraine, who are searching for innovative solutions to be transmitted to students, being a boost for a quality engineering education.
Polish Challenge Fund has the objective to facilitate the transfer of the Polish know-how, technology, and innovative solutions in the area of green technologies and ICT to partner countries of Polish Aid such as Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine. The transfer is to help to address complex development challenges in those countries, while contributing to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The project Ukrainian 3G: Cutting-Edge, Scalable Hybrid Energy Integrator & Storage Hub for Public Facilities in Ukraine is implemented by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) through the Polish Challenge Fund, with the financial support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland.
Projekt: Ukrainian 3G: Cutting-Edge, Scalable Hybrid Energy Integrator & Storage Hub for Public Facilities in Ukraine – realizowany jest przez Program Narodów Zjednoczonych ds.Rozwoju (UNDP) za pośrednictwem Polish Challenge Fund, przy wsparciu finansowym Ministerstwa Spraw Zagranicznych Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej.
If you are interested in the solution or Polish Challenge Fund, please use the following contacts:
Polish Challeng Funf Official Website https://polishchallengefund.org/
UNDP – Polish Challenge Funf magdalena.kudlicka@undp.org
Makroterm makroterm@makroterm.eu, project.makroterm@gmail.com
NGO Kharkiv Energy Cluster kharkivenergycluster@gmail.com
The content of this material does not necessarily represent the official views of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland, or of the United Nations, including UNDP, or UN Member States.
W 2020r. rozwijane przez Makroterm rozwiązania zostały
nagrodzone przez Ministerstwo Środowiska w ramach realizacji
strategii Bezpieczeństwo Energetyczne i Środowisko.
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integracji źródeł ciepła.
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Złote Pióro – nagroda dla Makroterm od Nowotarskiej Izby Gospodarczej
Główna Nagroda Podhalańskich Targów Budownictwa
Za opracowanie i wdrożenie Zintegrowanego Systemu Ogrzewania do ogrzewania pomieszczeń i przygotowania ciepłej wody użytkowej dla domu jednorodzinnego w oparciu o TURBOKOMINEK® – KOCIOŁ – KOLEKTOR SŁONECZNY otrzymaliśmy w 2002 r tytuł Złotego Instalatora.
„Złoty Instalator” to konkurs organizowany przez Instalator Polski sp. z o.o., wydawcę miesięcznika „Polski Instalator” oraz Polską Korporację Techniki Sanitarnej, Grzewczej, Gazowej i Klimatyzacji. W konkursie ocenie poddawane są wyroby, opracowania technologiczne i konstrukcyjne stosowane w szeroko rozumianej branży instalacyjnej. Charakteryzują się one wysokimi walorami technicznymi, użytkowymi, estetycznymi, ekologicznymi, jakością i niezawodnością w działaniu